Posts Tagged ‘antichrist’

Healthcare Haters!

I’ve been trying to figure out why so many people are against healthcare reform.  And as I pondered this and read some articles and even some Facebook posts, I started to realize why people are against it.  It’s not that they don’t want good healthcare is that they don’t think people of lower classes deserve it.  I think there is a deep-seated discontent for the unemployed and low-income.  When people think of the unemployed they think of someone living in the ghetto who is on drugs or too lazy to work.  They don’t feel these people have the right to the same privileges that they have.  They may not come out and say it but it’s there in their undertones.  

Has anyone ever stopped to think what might happen if the poorer people in our country had healthcare. If people had access to a doctor they may go and get help instead of self medicating with drugs and alcohol.  I worked for a drug and alcohol rehab and I saw 85% -90% of my clients didn’t have insurance. Some had it, than lost it. When they lost it they couldn’t afford their pain meds for a chronic illness so they turned to heroin. It was cheaper and easier to get than their meds. If they had healthcare maybe they could afford their meds and be able to work.

What about the girl who was raped or the people who were molested as children ( and don’t be blind to this large population that fall into this category) if they could get the counseling they need then maybe they won’t turn to alcohol to deal with their nightmares.

Why do we as a society try to keep people who are down and out, down and out. What are you afraid of? That some day the minority population in this country might just be on your same level. 

Now stop and think of the millions of Americans that are out of work due to this poor economy. Their plant shut down or their company made cuts.  These are hard-working people who got a shitty deal.  Why don’t they deserve to have healthcare people?  Oh and Cobra is that a choice? It is not an affordable choice.  Even with 65% paid by a government relief program it is unaffordable for a family with both spouses unemployed. $500 a month for a family of 5 with no income but unemployment. Not obtainable.

So if you are against healthcare reform stop and think of the real reason you are afraid of it.  And then own up to it. Stop making silly excuses like Obama is Hitler or the AntiChrist.  If all this that I spoke of in your eyes is socialism, Then maybe you can call me a Socialist, too!
